Syrian forces kill 10 in Homs, day after Arab deal

2011-11-04 127

Gunfire, explosions and smoke in the Syrian city of Homs, where activists say Syrian security forces killed 10 people on Thursday.
Posted on a social media web site, this amateur video - which cannot be independently verified by Reuters - purportedly shows signs of continued violence.
And still no signs yet of troops leaving under an Arab League agreement to end bloodshed after seven months of protests against President Bashar al-Assad.
This the day after Syria - under pressure from the United Nations - agreed to pull the army out, free political prisoners and hold talks with the opposition.
The UN says Assad's crackdown has killed more than 3,000 people. Syrian authorities say Islamist militants and armed gangs have killed more than one thousand soldiers and police.
Tough Syrian media restrictions have made it hard to verify events on the ground since an uprising against Assad began in March, inspired by other revolts in the Arab world.
Katharine Jackson, Reuters.