Matt Damon, Leona Lewis, & Ted Danson: Ecorazzi's Good Gossip #14

2011-11-04 24

This week on ecorazzi's Good Gossip: Matt Damon's World Changing Gift Idea, Lea From Glee Stands Up For Horses, and Leona Lewis Seeks Next Big Eco Designer.

Matt Damon has got the perfect holiday git idea for you - a water bottle. While that may not seem very exciting, for just $10 you can buy a limited edition stainless steel or BPA-free plastic bottle that helps raise funds for his organization Which means you'll be playing a role in getting clean drinking water to people living in poverty. That Damon has so many great ideas on how to improve the world - man it's a shame he's not running for president.

Glee star Lea Michele wrote a letter to New York City's Mayor Bloomberg in response to the death of a carriage horse last week. While a ride through Central Park may seem like a romantic way to experience the city this tragedy is not an isolated incident.