Watch the full 38-minute interview at Gerald Celente, Founder of the Trends Research Institute, and Alasdair Macleod, of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about gold and whether it’s currently in a bubble, Gerald makes fun of predictions by those that failed to see of anything that’s happening now. He explains that the world economy is much larger now than in the 1980s and that the participation of China, India and the entire Eastern Europe this time around make this a completely different game. Societies that have been around for some time know the value of gold and understand the devaluation of paper currencies. They talk about China and how their massive dollar reserves pose a great danger to them. They talk about euro zone troubles and how problems are spreading to core countries like Italy and France, and how the ECB has already broken its own rules.
This interview was recorded on October 20th 2011 in New York.