Following the High Court ruling in London that WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange should be extradited to Sweden, his Swedish lawyer says he expects his client will be cleared.
"If he comes to Sweden, he will have to go through a custody hearing, to see if this decision is based on credible grounds. He will be put in custody. After that, irrespective of whether he is set free or not, he will be questioned. There will be a preliminary investigation here in Sweden. Then there will be a trial perhaps. And there I think he will be cleared. I think that what we are seeing right now is full of exaggeration. They should not have pushed it this far."
Swedish authorities want to question the 40-year-old over accusations of rape and sexual assault made by two former WikiLeaks volunteers.
"I have seen more evidence than most people. Because I have seen things that are not in the PM circulating on the Internet. I don't think the evidence is sufficient. I think it is weak. That's what I think."
Assange was arrested in Britain 11 months ago and has since been living under strict bail conditions at the country estate of a wealthy supporter.
He denies any wrongdoing, saying the case is politically motivated.
Nick Rowlands, Reuters.