They may be famous for leeks and Welsh rarebit; but Wales is out to show it has far greater culinary range to offer. For the 10th year running, excellence in food and drink has been celebrated at the annual True Taste Awards.
The awards, managed by the Welsh government, were first put together to show people how great the quality and range of produce and services are in Wales. This year's ceremony happened on the 20th October at Venue Cymru in Llandudno, the first time the ceremony has been taken place in North Wales. The awards have helped put countless producers on the map. This year more than 1,000 entries were made from 366 companies.
Rachel Rowlands, MBE and Co-founder of Rachel's Organic, is a former winner of several awards herself, In this video she talks about what is so special about what Wales has to offer in terms of food and drink