Insurgent deaths end Afghan attack

2011-10-28 221

An attack on two bases in southern Afghanistan used by foreign troops ended on Friday when police and a spokesman for NATO-led coalition forces said four insurgents had been killed.
The attack on a military and civilian provincial reconstruction team in Kandahar province began on Thursday and lasted for more than 15 hours.
The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force said an Afghan interpreter it employed was also killed and five ISAF service personnel were wounded along with a civilian U.S. contractor and two Afghan security guards.
The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack which included the use of rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire.
An Interior Ministry spokesman said soldiers also found a car suspected to contain explosives.
Kandahar city and its surrounding districts are still among the most insecure areas of Afghanistan despite more than a year of offensives by coalition and Afghan troops.