Style Guide: Pearl Necklaces - Women's Style

2011-10-21 302

Style Guide: Pearl Necklaces - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. If you are looking for pearl necklaces, I wanted to suggest three of my favorite designs that I made, which happen to be very popular. So, hopefully, it works for you. The first one is this one. It is a four strand, fresh water pearl necklace. I call it the Auntie Mame necklace. I do not know if you have seen the movie but this one reminds me of Auntie Mame. She is the fabulous aunt that you had that always just looks fantastic and this is one of those pieces where it does not look stodgy. Just always looked classic and stylish when you have got it on. My second favorite pearl necklace would be this one. Which I pull out. It is called the Audrey necklace, as in Breakfast at Tiffany's Audrey because she is the kind of woman who would wear something like this. Once again, it is classic yet, also timeless and not something that you would find stuffed in the jewelry box, never to be worn. You could wear it out at night or you could wear it to work during the day and that is what makes this pearl necklace really wonderful. If you are looking for something a little bit different. And my last favorite piece that I have designed for a woman like you is this one. It is a little bit more delicate. I call it the Madori necklace and what is nice about it has little crystals mixed in with it so, when you have it on, it is a lot more subtle. It is not quite as big as the Auntie Mame pearl necklace. It is also made of fresh water pearls and crystals.