Implant Dentist Burlington NC, TMJ Treatments & Jaw Misalignment, Dr. Jerome Crayle

2011-10-20 14
General dentist in Graham, NC, Dr, Jerome Crayle, explains TMJ Disorder, dental misalignment affecting the joint of the jaw, resulting in tension, headaches and back pain. Migraines, and back pain caused by missing teeth, are often unknowingly and unsuccessfully treated by chiropractors. Individual unable to find relief from chiropractic adjustments may find the remedy in the replacement of missing teeth and correcting malocclusion (a bad bite). Dentists can evaluate TMJ problems to determine the best course of treatment, which may consist of tooth replacement, dental realignment, or prescribing a mouth guard to eliminate teeth grinding. Severe cases of TMJ disorder may necessitate orthodontic surgery. For more videos, please go to

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