Cosmetic & Implant Dentist Floral Park NY, Sleep Apnea, Dr. Jay Piskin

2011-10-20 5
Cosmetic dentist Floral Park, NY, Dr. Jay Piskin acknowledges that several dental patients suffer from sleep apnea. Unassisted by the CPAP machine due to the noise, a soft dental appliance placed in the mouth can resolve the inability to breathe. Treatmen tcan be determined after participating in a sleep study patients often discover that they are waking up more than 400 times per night to catch a breath. A new dental appliance designed as a dental tray, slips over the top and bottom teeth, utilizes a strap to position the jaw forward, opening the airway to allow unobstructed breathing. An uninterrupted night of sleep, can be as simple as a small removable appliance from your dentist. For more videos, visit Cosmetic dentist Floral Park, NY, Dr. Jay Piskin at

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