Noncommutative Minimal Models and applications to geometry - Michael Wemyss - Edinburgh Geometry Seminar

2011-10-16 12

Date: Thursday 6th October.

Speaker: Michael Wemyss (Edinburgh).

Title: Noncommutative Minimal Models and applications to geometry.

Abstract: I will try and explain the ideas behind
noncommutative minimal models (=MMAs) and why they should not
only reprove parts of the MMP in dimension three, but also give us
extra information that currently the geometry does not "see".
This extra information (in the form of a quiver) should then allow us
to run aspects of the MMP in a much easier way.
The talk will mainly be example based,
but as an application of the homological techniques,
I will give (in the dimension three Gorenstein setting)
a characterization of the Q-factorial property
in terms of derived categories.
This is joint with Iyama.
