Former Chinese Regime Leader Jiang Zemin Attends Ceremony after Death Rumors

2011-10-11 57

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And also at the ceremony on Sunday for the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin was present in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing—ending any speculation that he had died.

Speculation of his death became widespread when he failed to appear at a celebration of the Communist Party's 90th anniversary in July. It was censored in China but reported widely in Hong Kong.

Jiang took power after a purge of relatively liberal leaders following the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

The hard-line leader was widely viewed as a political opportunist towards the end of his term, focused on city-centric economic development that left out rural Chinese and the poor.

In 1999 he launched the brutal persecution against the popular Falun Gong meditation practice—a persecution that is still going on today.

He is retired but is still believed to wield power behind the scenes.

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