Yemen's Nobel Peace Prize winner Karman vows to continue fight for women

2011-10-09 2

Yemen's Tawakul Karman was one of three women to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Outside her tent in Change Square in Sanaa she accepts the congratulations of friends for an award she has said is a victory for the Arab Spring.
She says she will continue to fight.
SOUNDBITE: Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakul Karman, saying: (Arabic):
"Our mission will not only be in Yemen, I intend to work with my colleagues -- the activists who received the Nobel Peace Prize -- in order to achieve a world free of struggle and conflict."
The peace activist, who was detained briefly during protests against President Ali Abdullah Saleh, said the peaceful revolution to topple the veteran ruler will continue.
She has been a key figure among the youth activists since they began camping out in an urban space dubbed 'Change Square' in central Sanaa in February demanding the end of Saleh's three-decade family rule.
On Saturday Saleh said once again that he would step down from office within days. Saleh has backed out of signing a Gulf-mediated power transition deal three times.
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters