Yemeni activist shares Nobel Prize with 2 other women

2011-10-08 77

She's been on the front line throughout the Yemeni uprising and now her efforts have been recognised at the highest level.
But mother of three, Tawakul Karman, says winning the Nobel Peace Prize is more than just a personal accomplishment.
"This prize is in reality a victory for the peaceful nature of the Yemeni revolution, it shows that this revolution has impressed a large section of the international community. I dedicate this victory to the great Yemeni people, the martyrs, the youth, the wounded. I dedicate this victory to our brothers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and all the nations who have sought freedom and dignity."
Pro-democracy demonstrators have been in deadly conflict with forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh for months.
The embattled president has repeatedly refused to sign a peace deal that would see him step down ahead of elections.
Yemeni authorities briefly imprisoned Karman in January when protests against the government erupted but mass demonstrations led to her release.
She shares the prize with Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and her compatriot, peace activist Leymah Gbowee.
Lily Grimes, Reuters

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