University Opens Up for Science Learning in Tel Aviv

2011-10-08 30

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During the year, lecturers at Tel Aviv University teach students alone. But for one single night, the university opens its gates to the entire population. 'Researcher's Night' is an evening completely dedicated to live demonstrations and experiments from the worlds of Chemistry and Physics. Our correspondent brings us the story.

It's the second annual "Researchers' Night" at Tel Aviv University, as thousands head to campus last weekend to witness live scientific experiments.

Lecturers stand next to makeshift labs on the university premises.

Their aim is to make the audience become more familiar with scientific experiments and how they are carried out.

At one stand, the power of oxygen and its role in flame combustion is demonstrated.

The presenter, Dr. Tomas Goldman, is a scientist and lecturer at the Faculty of Science.

[Dr. Tomas Goldman, Lecturer & Education Management] :
"I teach science in a very fun sort of way, a different way, more like standup comedy, seasoned with my experience. And my most important message is: If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!"

During Researchers' Night, parents and children share their experiences of the event with us.

[Noa Kilshtain -- 5-year-old visitor]:
"I came here today because I thought that I could learn new things, and see many new things. I saw someone spitting fire. I don't believe there is really such a thing as spitting fire, there is no such thing, but I think it was beautiful".

At the makeshift labs, all kinds of scientific processes taken from everyday life are demonstrated.

The lecturers speak with the audience while conducting experiments and answering various questions.

By adding liquid nitrogen to milk and cream, this researcher turns them into ice-cream.

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