Tips for Reading Food Labels

2011-10-06 1

Common Mistakes in Reading Food Labels - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today, I am going to talk about a couple of mistakes that people make when they're reading food labels. One is not reading the ingredients list. If you are buying something in box or a can or a package, it will have the ingredients list on it and it is very important that you see, actually, what is in the product. You may think its whole wheat but, it is not really whole wheat. It is just caramel coloring that is making it look dark like whole wheat so, read the label and see what the actual ingredients are. Along with that, another thing to look for when you are reading the label is check out the amount of trans fats that is in the nutrition facts section. It is a little chart and it will label how much trans fats are in there. If a product says no trans fats and it says zero grams trans fats, do not be 100% sure that it has no trans fats. If you, again, read the ingredient list, if it says partially hydrogenated oil, that means there is trans fats in there, even though the label says it does not have any and the reason this can be this way is because if the serving has under a half a gram of trans fats in it, they can put it as zero.