Exotic and Unusual Pets - Chinese Crocodile Newt

2011-10-06 1

Exotic Pets - Chinese Crocodile Newt - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. This is a Mandarin Newt, also sometimes called a Chinese Crocodile Newt. As the name indicates, they come from China and Vietnam, and Thailand, and areas around in there. Near Tibet, also. They get fairly good sized. There are a lot of different types of Mandarin Newts. Some that get much bigger than this. They are semi-aquatic. They are basically in the salamander family. They live for quite a long time, up to 20 years. They start out as tadpoles in the water and then, they mature into land dwelling adults. Each one of these little orange bumps that you see on here is actually a poison sack and, if really roughed up by a predator, these animals can excrete this poison into an animal’s mouth. It is fairly toxic but it also has a very bad taste to it, which makes the animal release them because it does not do any good to kill your prey if you can get away instead. In captivity, a very simple tank that is semi-aquatic with a damp land area and places to hide. And then, they like to eat cut up earthworms and crickets and they do very, very, very well in captivity. This is probably a pregnant female and she will give birth in the water soon. And they are very nice. They are very simple pets. Very easy to care for.