Kitchen Tools for Baking

2011-10-04 298

Kitchen Tools for Baking - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Baking is an exact science. So, you always have to follow the right measurements and the right tools to get the expected results. Some of my favorite tools for baking is actually a liquid measuring cup and you can use this to measure your milk or any of your dairy products and a dry measuring cup. So, This is mainly used for flour, any types of flour and also measuring spoons because it is important to have the right measurements to get the best results when your baking. Another thing also for older ovens, we do not know exactly how the temperature is. Sometimes their a degree higher or a degree lower. So this thermometer, it is a oven thermometer, a very affordable thermometer. It just tracks the temperature of the oven to make sure that the goods you have in there would not burn and the other good thing also to have is a timer. Nobody wants burnt cookies. The timer just helps you keep track as to when your items would be done. My other favorite thing is my mini scooper. I use this a lot to shape my cookies and line them onto my cookie sheet so that when the cookies start baking in the oven, it is actually nice to see them ooze and form into cookies. So, this is one of my favorite tools to have. I cannot do without that. The other thing also is that this is not a tool per say but this is a parchment paper, it is so versatile and I do not only use this for cookies. I use it for a whole lot of different things, to line my cookie sheet when I am doing garlic bread or even meats or fish, you know that I need to put in the oven. So that is a very affordable, versatile item. At last but not the least, is this great invention here , my stand up mixer and I use this a lot because it saves me a whole lot of time and energy in the kitchen. Specially when I am processing a lot of food items specially for the holidays. I do a lot of baking. So, there are different attachments that you could use for this and this is called a whisk. So, this is mainly used for whipping. For instance, if you want to make whipping cream and vanilla and a little bit of sugar. This is what you use to make your soft peaks. Ok, It attaches really easily and there you have it. And The other attachments is the paddle and the dough beater. So I could either use these for mix your cookies or your bread dough. And again it attaches easily. And when you are ready to clean it you could also take it out easily. So, these are some of the baking tools that I have in my kitchen and I use them often so that I could get the best results out of my baking.