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CCP "National Day" Marked with Protests in Hong Kong

2011-10-03 37

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October first marked China's so-called 'National Day.' While Communist Party leaders marked the occasion with a celebration in Beijing, many Chinese citizens did not follow along. In Hong Kong, residents protested against what they see as a quote "butcher-like regime."

On two sides of the border were very different events marking China's so-called "National Day"—the anniversary of when Chinese Communist forces seized power in 1949.

While Chinese leaders gathered on Tiananmen Square for the official celebrations, in Hong Kong many took to the streets in protest.

[Koo Sze-yiu, Hong Kong Activist]:
"We are using this coffin to protest. One aspect is to denounce the butcher-like regime of the Communist Party. Another aspect is to commemorate the students who lost their lives in Beijing (in 1989)."

Hong Kong residents are becoming more frustrated over the amount of control the communist regime in the Mainland is exercising over Hong Kong. This summer has been marked by a string of protests in the former British colony.

Elsewhere in the city, supporters of the Global Movement to Quit the Chinese Communist Party held a rally to mark October first.

[Richard Tsoi, Chairman, HK Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movement]:
"So faced with this October 1st day, we actually don't have a national celebration, we just feel the country is dying, there is actually nothing worth celebrating. To say the country is dying, it is not just today, but everyday the land of China is dying."

The chairwoman of the New York-based Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP spoke to NTD over the phone, urging more people to renounce their affiliation with the Communist Party.

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