Historical Evidence for Christ and His Resurrection

2011-10-02 6

Historical evidence for Jesus Christ and His resurrection is presented. Part 1 summarizes the Biblical account. In part 2, Chris White gives an overview of the ancient historical sources outside the Bible for Christ (Tacitus, Lucian, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, the Talmud and Josephus). Paul's letters are discussed in Part 3. Sceptics universally accept Paul's letters to the Galatians and to the Corinthians as authentic. Paul's letters provide the earliest written records of the resurrection of Christ. In part 4, Dr. William Craig analyzes the historical facts. There are three facts accepted by the majority of historians. 1. The tomb of Christ was found empty. 2. Groups of people, including sceptics and enemies, believed that they saw the risen Christ. 3. The disciples came to believe that Christ rose from the dead even though they were predisposed to believe otherwise. The disciples believed so strongly that they were willing to endure death rather than recant their testimony.