how to make hair grow longer and thicker faster

2011-10-01 522 - how to make hair grow longer and thicker faster

Look, there is no way for you to force your hair
to re-grow.

Now, it can be a number of different things
that has caused your hair to stop growing….

And until you get to the real SOURCE of your
hair loss and completely ERADICATE the true
problem – you will never have the head of
hair you deserve.

Why Your Hair Stopped Growing – And Started
Falling Out…

Your hair grows out of a hair follicle (which
is simply an indentation of the outer layer
of the scalp).

The base of the hair follicle is shaped like
a bulb, and at the bottom of this bulb is the
dermal papilla.

The dermal papilla is the crucial source of
nourishment for the entire follicle structure
because it derives its nourishment from a
network of blood vessels in a deeper layer
of the scalp.