The Gathering Storm: The Human Cost of Climate Change - P1/2

2011-09-28 53 – PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME The Gathering Storm: The Human Cost of Climate Change - P1/2. Episode: 1756, Air Date: 6 July 2011.

Intelligent viewers, welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home where we are presenting the first in a two-part program featuring a number of short films from “The Gathering Storm: The Human Cost of Climate Change.” This series is comprised of 16 brief films and covers the effects of climate change across Asia and Africa.

“The Gathering Storm” was produced by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), a humanitarian news and analysis service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The work has garnered numerous awards, including being named a winner at the 2009 Bangkok HRA Festival and Kos International Film Festival.

This week we will show five chapters from the series: “Harvesting Rain,” “Drip Irrigation,” “Escap