Misconceptions About Pet Food - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. There are people that have a lot of perceptions about dog food and cat food and health in general, and really a lot of misconceptions about it. So the first one is that it is really expensive. The bottom line for most dog food, it is going to cost you about the same amount of money price per day, so that would be the number one. Another one is that people do not seem to know or care a lot of times where their dog food is made. They do not know if it is made by somebody who really cares about what they are doing like Natura or Champion do, all they care about is price. Or a lot of the common perceptions that I get from people or common statements are "Well, my dog likes it" or "I do not want to gamble with anything else" or "It is just fine, whatever, whatever, whatever" and "There is nothing I can do about" that sort of thing - I really care about my dog and my cat, and I want to give them good food that is going to help them." And so the perceptions to me, I have to investigate the perceptions, because most peoples' perception seems to come from advertisement or information on the web.