Hana meaning Flower was written by Shokichi Kina, an Okinawan musician and sung by Satoko Ishimine, Japanese pop singer. In this video, you can see three patterns of this song sung by Satoko. It was covered by many singers such as Shizuru Ohtaka, Satoko Ishimine, Rimi Natsukawa and Kaori Futenma, etc. Satoko’s version was employed as the theme song of “Himeyuri-no Tou”(Yasuko Sawaguchi as the main actress), which showed a cruel war at Okinawa island in World War II. Satoko sang Hana in Kohaku-utagassen (Japanese famous song festival) on Dec.31, 1995. The lyrics (first part) means: The river flows and goes far. People also flow and go far. When that flower arrives, I want to make flowers bloom as flowers, as flowers. Cry, laugh, one day, one day let’s make the flowers bloom.