Mountain Koi Pond, Stream Fed

2011-09-22 105

My friend has loved and cared for them for 11 years, he wants to retire and travel. He wants someone to take them and love them. These fish can live for 70 to 90 years. The oldest one on record, so I saw online, was 270 years old

The Pond is spring fed, approx 75 ft by 100 ft and about 5 ft deep.

I estimate over 250 that are over 1 foot long, and at least 100 that are 2-3 ft. Please see the videos to see them feeding and get some idea of the amount and size. They eat pellets, but I am feeding them bread in the videos. Some of the really huge ones are hard to catch on video or photo.. I guess they have gotten that old and large by being elusive.