Cervical Spine Percutaneous Manual Discectomy personal injury 3D animations

2011-09-21 654

Cervical Spine Percutaneous Manual Discectomy personal injury 3D animations. You will be lying on your back. Your skin will be cleaned. A small needle will be used to inject some local anesthetic to numb the skin. This may sting for a couple of seconds. A cannula will be introduced into the inter-vertebral disc. Fluoroscopy, an x-ray television, is often used to help guide the cannula to the correct position. The device will be advanced from the cannula and will destroy some nucleus pulposus to decrease the pressure within the disc, see personal injury 3D animations. Then the cannula will be removed. A small bandage will be placed on the skin.
The expectations of a percutaneous discectomy are
- the entire procedure will take about half an hour
- you will experience some minor discomfort after the procedure. Neck pain can be relieved by placing wrapped ice packs on the injection site Cervical Spine Percutaneous Manual Discectomy personal injury 3D animations