Top Kitchen Organizational Tips - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Chef Lisa Brisch with Orange Pomegranate. The one important thing that I think is just having too much stuff in your kitchen that you rarely use. You should have a special spot for it, maybe even in another room or a closet. Things like a huge stockpot that you will only use to do your gravy at the holidays, there is no reason to keep that in the kitchen. If you have a stand mixer, you should keep it out and available even if it is on another cart. That way you will use it more often, if it is stored away. It is so heavy you will hardly ever pull it out, and it becomes just another useless piece of equipment. Another thing is to have your pantry not even organized. I like to keep my pantry organized by the type of ingredient. So, I keep my vinegars together, I keep my oils next to the vinegars, they keep together. All my baking goods, which would include things like baking soda, baking powder, salt, because when I am ready to bake, I just go and grab, grab, grab. Then they are out and ready and I am not hunting around looking for them. Another mistake that people make, and it seems like it would be a good idea, is storing your spices and herbs next to your stove. You think it is really handy because they are right there, but actually heat will degrade your spices faster. So, it is best to keep them in a cool, dry place. When you are ready to cook, you should really pull out all your ingredients that you are going to need before you even start. So, that would be your spices and your pantry items and things like that.