Cool New Ideas dj controllers equipment for virtual dj DJ Smiley uses serato to mix and dj with BEAMZ CA Great Gift Ideas for men Boys girls

2011-09-19 199

Cool New Ideas dj controllers equipment for virtual dj DJ Smiley uses serato to mix and dj with BEAMZ DJ Smiley steps up his visual performance with Beamz laser DJ controller equipment! Using Serato DJ software with the Beamz along with a variety of mixers, turntables and other DJ equipment, DJ Smiley has added a new dimension of creativity in his performances that further draws audiences into the masterful mixes. Setting up Beamz DJ to send commands to the Serato application was easy – it only took about 15 minutes for DJ Smiley to get up and running. Whether you are an experienced DJ or just getting started, you’ll be amazed with the real-time loop playback adjustments you can easily make using the laser beams and the rocker switches – and rapid cue points look awesome via tapping a red laser beam. Free presets are available for Serato and other leading DJ applications. Get Beamz now at Play The Light!