The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962 Trailer John Ford

2011-09-18 34

It was said that my daughter 13-year-old saw the photograph in the cover when the book of "Not knowing John Ford" was bought and it looked like Akira Kurosawa last year.
I spoke to her. 「Kurosawa looks like Ford. Kurosawa asked where to have bought the hat that Ford wore for the favorite and him. It was taught that it had bought it in the shop in Ginza in Tokyo, and actor Yoshio Tsuchiya went for purchase. 」
It is happy to be able to speak transcending national borders of the movie, and the influence each other to my daughter.

Directed by John Ford
Produced by
Willis Goldbeck
John Ford
Written by
James Warner Bellah
Willis Goldbeck
Dorothy M. Johnson
(short story)
James Stewart
John Wayne
Vera Miles
Lee Marvin
Edmond O'Brien
Woody Strode
Andy Devine
John Carradine
Lee Van Cleef
Music by
Cyril J. Mockridge
Alfred Newman
Cinematography William H. Clothier
Editing by Otho Lovering

-John Ford's works-
颱風 -The Tornado (1917)
西部の紳士 -A Gun Fightin' Gentleman (1919)
アイアン・ホース -The Iron Horse (1924)
オーロラの彼方 -Hearts of Oak (1924)
香も高きケンタッキー -Kentucky Pride (1925)
三悪人 -3 Bad Men (1926)
プリースト判事 -Judge Priest (1934)
男の敵 -The Informer (1935)
周遊する蒸気船 -Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)
テムプルの軍使 -Wee Willie Winkie (1937)
ハリケーン -The Hurricane (1937)
駅馬車 -Stagecoach (1939)
若き日のリンカーン -Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)
モホークの太鼓 -Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)
怒りの葡萄 -The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
果てなき航路 -The Long Voyage Home (1940)
わが谷は緑なりき -How Green Was My Valley (1941)
ミッドウェイ海戦 -The Battle of Midway (1942)
真珠湾攻撃 -December 7th (1943)
コレヒドール戦記 -They Were Expendable (1945)
荒野の決闘 -My Darling Clementine (1946)
逃亡者 -The Fugitive (1947)
アパッチ砦 -Fort Apache (1948)
三人の名付け親 -Three Godfathers (1948)
黄色いリボン -She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
幌馬車 -Wagon Master (1950)
リオ・グランデの砦 -Rio Grande (1950)
静かなる男 -The Quiet Man (1952)
栄光何するものぞ -What Price Glory (1952)
モガンボ -Mogambo (1953)
長い灰色の線 -The Long Grey Line (1955)
ミスタア・ロバーツ -Mister Roberts (1955)
捜索者 -The Searchers (1956)
荒鷲の翼 -The Wings of Eagles (1957)
騎兵隊 -The Horse Soldiers (1959)
バファロー大隊 -Sergeant Rutledge (1960)
馬上の二人 -Two Rode Together (1961)
西部開拓史 -How the West Was Won (1962)
リバティ・バランスを射った男 -The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
ドノバンサンゴ礁-Donovan's Reef (1963)
シャイアン -Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
荒野の女たち -7 Women (1966)