Leveraging Terra Preta, Global Carbon Advisors, Experts in Using Biochar

2011-09-16 1


Global Carbon Advisors is a company that has a solution that compliments the thrust for renewable energy; sustainable carbon management through the global use of BIOCHAR

Biochar fixes carbon as a soil nutrient and so removes carbon from becoming a warming contributing gas

Biochar is highly porous, chemically stable, carbon-based soil addition
that retains water, nutrients, and microorganisms resulting in improved soil productivity through increased crop yields and reduced chemical runoff from fertilisers
In essence then Biochar sustainably increases crop yields and removes historical carbon dioxide emissions.

Biochar is not a fertilizer, it is a stable form of carbon and a permanent soil amendment.

Biochar acts like a, moisture and nutrient, sponge in the soil. It is like a soil battery for nitrogen, water, microorganisms and minerals, and works best when mixed with your vermiculture or composting pile.

Call us today about Biochar or Terra Preta