Denmark government faces voter ire over economy.

2011-09-16 33

Polling day in Denmark and Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen casts his vote.
Opinion polls suggest his ruling centre-right coalition is heading for general election defeat, with voters angry about the state of the economy.
But the poll gap has been narrowing, and Rasmussen is hopeful he can still win.
"You can never feel confident, it's up to the voters but I think I have a good opportunity to be reelected because the Danes are clever people and I think, if they rethink the whole situation, they will be sure that we've done pretty well during the crisis and now it's very, very important that we keep on and stick to this idea of sound public finances."
The state of the economy has been the major issue of the campaign, with the governing coalition under fire for presiding over Denmark's worst economic downturn since World War II.
"Basically it's how you handle the economy questions - how Denmark will be competitive globally in the world."
"I hope they get things working, but it's a bit like choosing between the plague or cholera. Nobody seems to get it right."
The leader of the centre-left opposition bloc, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, would become Denmark's first female prime minister if she wins.
Her platform includes increased government spending, and a plan to make everyone work an extra 12 minutes a day - with that extra hour of productivity a week helping to kick-start the economy.
Nick Rowlands, Reuters.

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