Sarkozy and Cameron hailed as heroes in Libya

2011-09-16 354

Extending the hand of friendship, French President Nicolas Sarkozy joins Britain's David Cameron in Libya.
They are the first foreign leaders to visit Tripoli since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
"Well I'm delighted to be here to show support for the National Transitional Council, for all their doing in Libya. There's still more work to be done, there's still a long way to go but I think to show international support for the NTC, for chairman Jalil, Prime Minister Jibril and what they're doing. I think it's important to be here, Britain played a role which I'm very proud of but in the end it was what the Libyans did themselves and I wanted to come and congratulate them and work out how we can help next as they rebuild their country."
"(Q: A good day for you?) A very good day for us, we are very proud to be here, it's very important. (Q: What is the future of Libya?) Democracy, peace and reconciliation."
Libya's interim prime minister Mahmoud Jibril took his visitors to a hospital in the capital where they were given a warm welcome by staff.
During the visit both leaders pledged to help evacuate some of those wounded in the fighting.
Lily Grimes, Reuters

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