Let The Child Cry Or Comfort Her?

2011-09-13 35

Let the Child Cry Or Comfort Her? - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. I want you to pick your baby up when she cries. Why do I want you to do that? Because really babies are learning to trust. They do not have that ability yet to comfort themselves, to get why they are crying, to meet their own needs. They are really, fully 100% dependent on their parents. You cannot do any harm. You are only doing good, actually, for your baby by picking your baby up when she cries, by being attentive to her cries. Please, do not worry about dependency, do not worry about spoiling, because you cannot make a newborn, you cannot spoil a newborn and you really cannot spoil a baby. And anyway that is a whole another issue. So in the meantime, just get comfortable giving that vibe that 'I am here to help you, I am here to meet your needs'. 'You cry, I am here to help you, to comfort you'. What a great start in life.