Chinese Regime Bars US-based Expert from EU-China Rights Forum

2011-09-09 26

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The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs blocked a rights expert from attending a two-day EU-China human rights seminar last week in Beijing.

The expert from the New York-based organization Human Rights in China (HRIC) was refused a visa at the last minute.

The Associated Press reported the regime considers HRIC as an "anti-China" organization and they would consider the expert's presence at the forum as "totally unacceptable."

AP quotes HRIC Executive Director Sharon Horn saying, "We regret being excluded from this exchange...our more fundamental concern is the success of the Chinese authorities in stigmatizing any independent voices as 'anti-China.'"

AFP reported the Foreign Ministry spokesman says he has no knowledge of the visa refusal.

The Chinese regime has carried out regular closed-door rights talks with the European Union as a way to avoid international criticism of its poor human rights record.

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