Robert Shemin Zero Complaints

2011-08-25 6

I LISTENED TO WAS ROBERT SHEMIN. We began investing in real estate about four years ago. About three years into it, my wife quit her job and we were featured in a new magazine about property investments. The owner of that magazine had invited us to join them at the New York Learning Annex in November of 2005. One of the speakers I listened to was Robert Shemin.

I WOULD LOVE TO TAKE YOU OUT TO DINNER AS... Thank you for a great weekend of fun and learning. While I have not been as successful as I had hoped thus far, you have completely changed the way I approach life and challenges. I did not get the opportunity to do a video testimonial at the super conference, but I will make sure to at the next opportunity. When I make my first million dollars, I would love to take you out to dinner as a special thank you.