Mark Reuss and Woodward Dream Cruise from Mi Auto Times

2011-08-24 16

DETROIT,M.I. --MI Auto Times had aninterview with Mark Reuss,President, General Motors North America, atthehistoricAthensConeyIslandonWoodwardAvenue.Reuss,who has been at the Woodward Dream Cruise all week,stopped by and gave us his impression of this year's Cruise, including the Chevy parade.When asked about the new products people may be interested in seeing at the Woodward Dream Cruise, Reuss mentioned theCamaro presence at the Chevy's location on Woodward & said it's," fun to see cars like the Old Grand National and the GNX.Then you see the new GS that we're introducing. I had one at home last weekend—a manual transmission version—and I'll tell you, its one of the finest cars we make. There's a great mix of old and new and that's what it's all about."We also caught up with many of the people driving classics on Woodward Avenue such as:• Richard and Richard from Ann Arbor, Mich.,who've attended the Cruise since the first one, driving a '57 Ford Thunderbird