Chinese Regime Detains Dissidents Before Biden's Speech

2011-08-24 75

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U.S. Vice President Joe Biden finished his visit to China on Monday. Now accounts have emerged on how the Chinese regime rounded up dissidents and prevented them from attending Biden's speech at Sichuan University. Here's more on the story.

The issue of U.S. debt dominated U.S. vice president Joe Biden's visit to China. Chinese authorities were set on keeping it that way. While Biden touched on the issue of human rights, the communist regime was doing all it could to stop like-minded Chinese citizens from coming into contact with the U.S. vice president.

The regime started taking dissidents into custody even before Biden had reached Chengdu.

A victim of forced demolition, Li Zhaoxiu, did manage to get to Chengdu. After one escape from police, she reached the entrance of Sichuan University, but was then arrested. Her friend Wang Hui was with her.

[Wang Hui, Friend of Li Zhaoxiu]:
"There was a group of people at the north gate of Sichuan University, Li recognized some police officers from her home county and the local police station, as she was preparing to leave, she was arrested and taken away in a police car."

Another protestor, Hu Jinrong, said she just wanted to listen to Biden talk about human rights, but she was arrested by plainclothes police on campus.

[Hu Jinrong, Protestor]:
"We just wanted to learn about (human rights) laws, but we were bullied. We wanted to learn about human rights laws to protect ourselves, but as a result their big effort with security was precisely to arrest protestors."

Chengdu-based dissident Huang Qi, himself an alumni of Chengdu University, was told to stay at home by authorities.


In total Chinese authorities arrested or put under house arrest around 50 people during Biden's visit.

Ben Hedges

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