106 Wenzhou Train Crash Victims Discharged from Hospital

2011-08-23 4

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Four weeks after the Wenzhou fatal bullet train accident, victims of the crash are still recovering from their injuries. While 106 people have been discharged from Wenzhou City Hospital, the remaining 52 are still undergoing treatment. At least 40 people lost their lives when two bullet trains collided back in July... blamed on faulty signals.

As of Friday, 106 of the injured passengers from the Wenzhou train crash have recovered—and have been discharged from Wenzhou City hospital.

The remaining 52 are still receiving treatment—including 12 in the orthopaedic division of the Second Hospital affiliated with Wenzhou Medical College.

One of the victims sustained six fractured ribs, while his wife had a fractured lower back. Their 17-year-old son escaped with minor injuries. The family had recovered and returned to their hometown in east China's Fujian Province.

Another injured passenger described her experience after the crash.

[Madam Zhou, Passenger]:
"A villager carried me on his back, another held my son in his arms, the third one pulled my baggage. They walked for more than 20 minutes in order to [get] us to a safe place."

Passenger Song Hua, who sustained a head injury, is still in the intensive care unit of the Third Hospital of Wenzhou.

[Li Jingsheng, Chief Physician, Beijing Tiantan Hospital]:
"She is in light coma now. There is possibility she may wake up, but that takes time. Generally speaking, she is in stable condition now."

A team of neurosurgical specialists is currently attending to Song.

Defects in the design of the signal system have been blamed for the killer collision of the two bullet trains, resulting in at least 40 deaths.

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