ConocoPhillips Says China Oil Spill Almost Cleaned Up

2011-08-23 3

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The local unit of energy giant ConocoPhillips apologized for oil spills in China's Bohai Bay. On Friday the company said the cleanup is almost complete and that there's no oil remaining on the sea surface.

But Chinese authorities demanded and investigation, saying nine oil spill sources had been found on the Penglai 19-3 oil field.

ConocoPhillips said in a statement it regretted the incidents and accepted its responsibilities, but that all oil from the spills had been recovered or had dissipated naturally.

The company says about 700 barrels of oil and 2,500 barrels of mineral oil-based drilling mud had been released by two spills starting on June 4.

ConocoPhillips jointly operates the wells with state-run China National Offshore Oil Corporation. The company said it was working with the State Oceanic Administration to seal a natural fault that was still leaking.

The major fishing region of Bohai is already heavily polluted. ConocoPhillips said tests close to shore found only two out of 56 oil particles could be traced to oil spills, with the rest from fuel oil.

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