On a recent Red Bull boat trip to the Mentawai Islands, someone had the crazy idea to attach a flare to the back of Bruce Irons board and send him into the lineup. The results are actually pretty rad. Along with the flares, at the end of the video, Bruce opens up and talks a little bit about the tragedy of losing his brother.
You can read more of the interview with Bruce over at www.stabmag.com.
Lors d'un récent voyage Red Bull dans les îles Mentawai, quelqu'un a eu l'idée folle de placer une lumière incandescente à l'arrière de la planche de Bruce Irons. Le résultat est tout simplement spectaculaire. A la fin de la vidéo, Bruce revient sur la douloureuse perte de son frère.
Plus d'informations sur www.stabmag.com