Star Control 2: Intro music remixed/reimagined

2011-08-20 2

BEHOLD THE 8-BIT GLORY!!! My music here is a reimagining of the intro for the open source version of Star Control 2: The Urquan Masters, and part of the Precursors remix project:

The Intro was composed from four things:
my X5 keyboard,
my rusty old Ross RG10 guitar amp (which I love heartily),
the original soundtrack,
and "Shredder's Theme" from the TMNT movie soundtrack.

Of the last two, only the intro 'boom' from SC2 is used as well as several 'boom' sounds I sampled from the beginning and end of "Shredders Theme" (and subsequently sped up/slowed down, combined & processed - heavily..). Incidentally, that theme is a great piece of work, and holds up today.
This came together pretty smoothly and quickly - without a lot of prior thought.
After that I did a ton of work - on both pieces - trying new plugins and different processing techniques -
No metronomes were harmed in the baking of this cake...