Corporate World Vs. Starting Your Own Business

2011-08-20 124

Corporate World Vs. Starting Your Own Business - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. If you are trying to decide between going to a career in the corporate world or starting your own business, the first thing that you want to do is really, really understand your strengths. Assess your core values, your beliefs, really make a list of those and there are some great tools out there. Personality tools, because those are, Myers Briggs indicator is a great personality tool to use. Strength finder is another great tool for you to use. This helps you define one, your personality. Whether you are more introvert, extrovert. Whether you are more sensing, feeling, etc. It also helps you identify your strengths, because again, when you are looking at where, how you want to spend the next ten, fifteen, twenty years, or maybe just even two or three years, you want to really understand what makes you tick. Whether you are somebody that prefers to be a leader and help people, guide people's careers or whether you just want to kind of be more of a free spirit or whether you want to be able to set your own hours, be your own boss. There are a lot of things that you have to assess with whether you want to work for someone or you want to work for yourself. What you will also find is, over time, you might start out in a corporate job or corporate career which there is nothing wrong with that at all. Get those skills!. Sometimes it takes for you to start there, do that for a number of years to determine that, 'Hey, this is not best leveraging my strengths, maybe I need to try something different'. There are a lot of people nowadays that have corporate careers but they also have business that they start on the side and they are able to do both and sometimes it helps them determine which direction they want to go. Whether that is corporate career or whether that is starting your own business, building your own enterprise. There are definitely two different skill sets for sure. You are exercising very different muscles when you are a business owner versus being in the corporate space.