Certified Posture Specialists Certification by National Posture Institute

2011-08-17 96

http://www.npionline.org http://www.facebook.com/NationalPostureInstitute
Email-info@npionline.org Office-888-240-2914 National Posture Institute-Certified Posture Specialists are The Leaders in Posture Analysis and Correction Programs! Thank you for your interest in The National Posture Institute (NPI) and in becoming a CPS.

NPI's Certified Posture Specialist (CPS) Students will Learn to:
• Assess and Analyze Posture
• Correct Client/Patient Postural Deviations
• Select/Evaluate exercise/rehab movements
• Increase client/patient base and membership retention
• Implement a Posture-Based Assessment/Business Model

If you are interested in registering or learning more about the National Posture Institute's (NPI) - Certified Posture Specialist Program - please contact us at: http://www.npionline.org info@npionline.org W-888-240-2914