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Hi, this is Richard from You are here because you know you pay too much in income tax each year. You see those deductions on your paycheck every month and you know that it is a big chunk of the money you make. I am here to tell you that you do not have to pay all that tax at the end of the year. That you can get back all of that income tax, I can show you how it happens, how it works, why it works and why you should do it.
A lot of my clients, and I have got dozens of them have gotten ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand or even fifty thousand dollars in tax return depending on their level of income. The question is “what do you do with that money?”. Should you go out and buy the latest toy, go blow it in a great big vacation to some place exotic, what should you do with it?
I come from a financial services background and I have some opinions on that, that I want to share with you.