Libya Claims Dozens of Civilian Deaths in NATO Airstrike

2011-08-10 56

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Libyan state media says dozens of civilians have been killed in a NATO airstrike on a village east of Tripoli. NATO sources say the strike hit a military target and was not likely to have killed any civilians.

Libyan state media said on Tuesday dozens of civilians had been killed in a NATO strike on a village about 90 miles east of Tripoli.

NATO says it's looking into the reports.

Libyan state television showed the charred bodies of at least three young children and said they were killed by a NATO strike on Monday night on the village of Majar.

It also showed wounded women and children being treated in a hospital.

The television station reported that a total of 85 people had been killed in Majar, but it did not say how many of these were civilians.

The official Jana news agency said "20 families" had been killed, without giving a more precise figure.

This number was also cited by a man interviewed on Libya TV, who said he had lost his daughter.

[Unamed Local Resident]: (Arabic)
"My two-year-old daughter and entire families who here from other areas, they came all the way here to escape the bombings and from the air strikes. Twenty families are dead - children and women, all of them innocent people."

The casualty reports have not been independently verified.

Libyan state television reported that Gaddafi announced three days of mourning for the victims.

The village of Majar is near Zlitan, on Libya's Mediterranean coast, where NATO forces have been mounting attacks on government troops.

NATO said on Tuesday that it was unaware of any civilian casualties caused by a strike on a village.

A NATO spokesman says the strike hit a military target.