Australia's PM Announces $19 Billion for Health Funding

2011-08-08 30

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Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard is making history with the announcement of major changes in health reform. NTD’s Gina Shakespeare reports.

Australia's Prime Julia Gillard has swept the carpet clean with a long overdue cash injection in health funding. She made the announcement that public hospitals will receive just over $19 billion over the next nine years.

[Julia Gillard, Prime Minister]:
“States and hospitals can reliably plan knowing that the Federal government will be there and be an equal partner in growth.”

Ms Gillard has entered into a Health Reform Agreement with each State and Territory. This overcomes the lengthy arguments over who gets what in terms of Federal support. She says that hospitals will be properly funded and the funding will be transparent and accountable.

[Julia Gillard, Prime Minister]:
“What this new agreement means put simply, is more money, more beds, more services, more local control, greater accountability, less waste and less waiting times around the nation.”

Complaints about hours of waiting in hospital emergency departments, the lack of staff and facilities are expected to reduce with the new reforms. Reforms in the health industry are also expected to improve Ms Gillard’s standing with voters. However, the Acting Opposition Leader Julie Bishop said "All that's happened is that Julia Gillard has provided the States with more money, but with no guarantee of any reforms at all.''

Gina Shakespeare, NTD News, Melbourne, Australia.

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