Beaverton Hyundai Ratings

2011-08-08 4

......SO KNOWLEDGEABLE...... I would like to express to you my very favorable business experience I had with your Sales Consultant, Roberto Melgarejo. I was so impressed with his salesmanship manner .... polite, courteous, willing to spend time and answer all the questions I had, and he was so knowledgeable.

HAS AN EXCELLENT WAITING ROOM!! Part 2 Beaverton Hyundai's service department has an excellent waiting room. Comfortable sofas, cable TV, coffee, vending machines, toys for children, computer, Internet access, and a printer. I Yelped the whole time they were changing my oil.

SUPPORT!! Thank You For your support of the 2008 Light The Night Walk and most importantly for helping us in our mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma and improve the quality of life of patients and their families!