Toronto Commercial Real Estate Leasing Video Call 416-410-1080

2011-08-06 1 ... Toronto Commercial Real Estate Leasing expert will save you a pile of money by reviewing your commercial lease before you renew or take out business space for the first time.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Commercial Tenant Strategies, Inc. website located at And the individual that you’re looking at here on the screen, his name is Anthony Dyson. He’s a personal friend of mine from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I just live up the road in Ottawa, and I’m doing a series of promotional videos for cities in the United States and Canada to promote Anthony Dyson's expertise in commercial real estate leasing because Anthony is one of very few individuals who knows the commercial lease agreements to the Nth degree.

And this guy’s got the expertise. He’s been doing it for many, many years. His list of clients is very impressive.

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