The best speakers in your industry

2011-08-03 3 Here is an abstract of the outstanding interview from Joe Williams, founder of the famous Joe Williams Speaker Academy. If you want the latest strategies to get the most from your speakers for your next conference, this is a must.

Joe is a master at transforming any average speaker into an outstanding one. He is the founder of the Joe Williams' Speaker Academy and Anthony Robbins' Head Trainer.

The full interview about these strategies for conference producers is available on "Learn From the Experts", the first professional TV for conference, trade show, and event professionals.It brings the top experts of our industry at your fingertips.

Dan Ake is the author of "The 7 Spells of the new Conference People 2.0." Dan is one of the world's leading authorities on social media for conferences and trade shows.

The best-of conference experts' interviews on the topic are available for you in the 7 Best-Of DVDs pack "Speakers Series".

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