Foods Good for Healthy Bones

2011-08-02 341

Foods Good for Healthy Bones - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. The foods that are good for maintaining healthy bones, we always think about calcium and dairy products. But, truly, calcium and dairy products is not easily absorbed into the body, so it is not an ideal source. Some easily absorbed calcium foods that you probably do not think about are: broccoli. Broccoli has a lot of calcium in it, and people do not usually think about that, but adding broccoli into your diet increases that absorbed calcium. Dark leafy greens, like kale and dandelion greens, are a great source of easily absorbed calcium. Chestnuts: chestnuts and hazelnuts are actually a good source of calcium. These are not nuts that we usually eat, but try adding those into your diet for that good source of calcium. 3 oz can of sardines with the bones actually has more calcium in it than a glass of milk, and it is more easily absorbed. And then, the other fish is canned pink salmon, again, with the bones. You can use this to make salmon cakes, you can put that salmon onto a salad. So, these are five sort of unusual forms of calcium that you do not really think about.