Lumbar Spine Pathology Anylosing Spondylitis Syndesmophytes rheumatologist videos

2011-07-23 32

Lumbar Spine Pathology Anylosing Spondylitis Syndesmophytes rheumatologist videos. Shows the progression of calcification of the soft tissues up the spine to form syndesmophytes and a 'bamboo' spine in ankylosing spondylitis. rheumatologist videos . The spinal inflammation of ankylosing spondylitis starts in the lumbar or thoracolumbar spine and progresses upwards in a continuous fashion. Inflammation of the attachment points of the outer layers of the inter-vertebral disc’s annulus fibrosus leads to erosion of the adjacent bone This results in a loss of the normal concave contour of the anterior surface of the vertebral bodies, and gives them a squared appearance. Once the inflammation settles, bone formation, known as calcification or ossification, of the outer annulus fibrosus occurs, producing a bony bridge called a syndesmophyte. Over time these bony bridges extend anteriorly. Lumbar Spine Pathology Anylosing Spondylitis Syndesmophytes rheumatologist videos.

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